Retired Apparatus


This unit is equipped with a 1000 gallon per minute pump and a 1000 gallon water tank. Received 1st place in 2004 at the Red Hill Fire Department 100th anniversary celebration.


It was the first brand new fire truck that was purchased by Upper Saucon Vol. Fire Co. In its time it was state of the art. It has a 750 gallon per minute pump and a 500 gallon water tank. 


2731 (1991)

Unit 2731 is a 1991 Mack CF. It was put into service inthe middle of 1992 it is one of the last Baker Aerialscope’s on a Mack chassis. It has a maximum working height of 75′ and a basket capacity of 1000 pounds at any angle, even 10 degree’s below grade and flowing 1000 gallons of water per minute.

2741 (1985)

Unit 2741 is a 1985 Mack MC rescue truck. It has a wide variety of uses and equipment. From repelling harness’s to pre-plan books. 41 is used as our incident command post as well, it is equipped with all types of communication equipment including a cellular phone. This unit also carries our Hurst rescue equipment such as the “Jaws of Life” and also 4 Scott air packs.


Replaced 2006 by present 2751

2761 (1991)

Unit 2761 is a 1991 Chevy 3500 4×4. It has a 350 gallon per minute pump and a 250 gallon tank. This Unit is used for brush fires and special responses such as EMS assists for snow or lifting assistance. It carries 100′ of 3/4″ booster line and 150′ of 1 1/2″ attack line.

2791 (1993)

Unit 2791 is a 1993 Chevy utility truck. The body and chassis were donated by Royal Automotive. Robin Muth did much of the mechanical and painting. The was truck was used as our special purpose vehicle it carries the excess equipment that doesn’t fit on the others. We also use this truck to shuttle extra personnel to the scene.

2721 (1974)

Unit 2721 is a 1974 Mack MR series tanker. Acquired and refurbished in early 2003 from a neighboring fire department, 2721 carries 3000 gallons of water and has a 350 GPM on-board pump. It has a portable pond that can be set up in minutes for tanker shuttle operations. Newly installed electronic dump valves allow the driver to empty the water from chutes in the rear or either side of the tank without ever getting out of the cab

2721 (1948)


The 1948 Tanker truck was also put into service by members. Members bought the used oil delivery truck from a business in Allentown. We then piped in the pump and painted it ourselves, under body cabinets mounted and it was ready for service

2741 (1963)

This 1963 rescue was the first true rescue vehicle the department had.

2721 (1968)

2761 (1969)

The 1969 Dodge Powerwagon pickup was our first brush truck. 2761 was put into service after many hours of hard work by members. The 200 gallon water tank was manufactured and welded by a member. The pump was then installed along with storage boxes for brush equipment. The truck was purchased from Keystone Dodge


Butcher’s van converted  for first fire police unit.

2711 (1981)

Unit 2711 is a 1981 Mack CF pumper. It has a 1250 gallon per minute pump and a 500 gallon tank. This Unit is called a “Tele-Squirt” because of its 50′ elevated nozzle and ladder.