
Membership in this organization is open to all persons regardlessof race, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age (except that the minimum age for membership is 14 years.) Membership in the Department consists of ACTIVE and ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. An active member must be active in the Department as a Fire Fighter or Fire Police person. An Associate member provides support to the Department such as helping at activities or providing financial assistance. (The Department encourages spouses of Active members to be Associate members.) Members need not be residents of Upper Saucon Township.

Candidates for Active or Associate membership must be at least 14 years of age. Members must be over 21 years to hold office.


Application for membership shall be made in writing using the designated membership application form obtained from and given to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. All applications for membership shall be endorsed in writing by at least one sponsoring member of the department. An applicant shall be declared duly elected to the Department when approved by vote conducted by written ballot of not less than a 2/3 majority of the active members present at a regular meeting of the membership. An applicant who has been rejected as a member cannot reapply for at least two years. No reason for rejection need be given.


There have been many dedicated community members, some of which were charter members that had the foresight to see the need for emergency services in Upper Saucon Township. Over the years, there have been so many that it would be impossible to list individuals and not miss someone. We do not want to overshadow the accomplishments of any one. Some gave little, some gave a lot, and one gave everything.

It is here the Upper Saucon Fire Department wishes to dedicate and give heartfelt thanks to All that have served and given freely of their time to the residents of Upper Saucon Township and the Upper Saucon Volunteer Fire Department.


Truck maintenance
Fire Fighting
      Fire Fighting Education
Hazardous materials reorganization
Fire Fighter I & II Certifications
Responder First Aid
AED Certification
Vehicle Rescue
Specialized Rescues
Confined Spaces
Direct Traffic at emergency scenes
Crowd control at emergency scene

    Fire Police Training
Basic Fire Police
Advanced Fire Police

Highway Safety

Traffic Incident Management

Work details (public service)
Building & Grounds Maintenance
Attend Monthly Department Business Meetings

Provide support for Active members